Research Overview and Statistics Select a topic area below for statistics and overview information Self Defense Training Alyssa A. Rheingold, Dean G. Kilpatrick College Sexual Assault Programs That Have Been Evaluated: A Review (pdf file) Heather Meyer, Ph.D. African American Attitudes toward Domestic Violence and DV Assistance Sanders Thompson & Bazile Review of Teen Dating Violence Prevention Meyer and Stein Abuse in Intimate Relationships: Defining the Multiple Dimensions and Terms Mouradian Prevalence and Incidence Estimates for Intimate Partner Violence Mouradian Physical Health Effects of Violence Resnick & Weaver Rape and Sexual Assault Overview Kilpatrick High, Low, Changing? What's New in Rape Prevalence Koss Stalking Mechanic Wife Rape Mahoney Sexual Violence in School Stein Gender Violence in Elementary and Secondary Schools Stein School Sexual Harassment Stein Overview of Multicultural Issues in VAW Sanders Thompson Multi-Cultural Issues: Prevention Barriers Sanders Thompson Multicultural Issues: Barriers to Research on Violence against Women in Communities of Color Sanders Thompson Mental Health Impact of Rape Kilpatrick Lesbian Partner Violence Rose Survey on School Violence, 1996-97 National Center for Education Statistics Child Abuse Naugle Witnessing Violence Davis & Briggs
Select a topic area below for statistics and overview information
Physical Health Effects of Violence