Self-Defense Training: A Brief Review
Alyssa A. Rheingold
Dean G. Kilpatrick
National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center
Medical University of South Carolina
Self-defense training programs
have been offered across the country for the past 25 years to assist in
minimizing the possibility of assault.
The goal of such a course is to learn how to avoid becoming a victim by
means of escape or protecting one’s body (McGrath & Tegner, 1977). Training usually incorporates learning how
to use body parts as weapons, other objects in the environment as weapons, as
well as using the voice as a weapon in order to avoid an assault. However, the kinds of training vary widely
from program to program, specifically in the areas of training model, length of training, depth of training, training
environment, experience of trainer, and amount of time allotted to practice
skills (Cummings, 1992). (For more information about the content of
training, Cummings reviews relevant literature on self-defense training
components and offers recommendations for self-defense program
development.) While some research
suggests that self-defense classes increase self-efficacy beliefs (Weitlauf,
Cervone, Smith, & Wright, 2001;Weitlauf, Smith, Cervone, 2000), little
longitudinal research has been conducted that directly assesses the
effectiveness of a self-defense class in decreasing the completion of future
sexual assaults.
Rape prevention studies
mainly have focused on the effects of specific resistance strategies that were
used by women who were raped versus women who avoided rape. Findings are mixed; however, it seems that
the majority of resistance strategy studies indicate that women who use more
physical and verbal resistance are more likely to avoid the completion of a
rape (Bart, 1981; Kleck &
Sayles,1990; Quinsey & Upfold, 1985; Ullman, 1997; Ullman &
Knight, 1993; Ullman & Knight,
1995; Zoucha- Jensen & Coyne, 1993).
Furthermore, several studies indicate that less forceful types of
resistance such as pleading, crying, and reasoning have either no association
or even a negative association with rape avoidance (Ullman & Knight, 1993;
Zoucha – Jensen & Coyne, 1993).
In addition to examining
whether physical resistance strategies are effective in preventing an assault,
it is important to understand whether using such forceful tactics would
increase the level of physical injury.
There are some discrepant findings on the relationship between the use
of physical resistance and experiencing physical injury during a sexual
assault. Several studies indicate that
physical resistance is associated with increased physical injury (Bachman &
Carmody, 1994; Prentky, Burgess, & Carter, 1986). The majority find no relationship between physical resistance and
increased physical injury (Kleck & Sayles, 1990; Quinsey & Upfold,1985;
Ullman & Knight, 1992; Ullman & Knight, 1995; Zoucha - Jensen & Coyne,1993). Most of the studies to date do not take into account the sequence
of events that lead to assault and injury, therefore other factors may be
associated with level of physical injury experienced by the victim besides the
victim engaging in forceful resistance. For example, Ullman and Knight (1992)
have suggested that physical injury endured by the victim is the result of the
level of the offender’s violence, with physical resistance contributing little
to increased risk of injury. They
examined the sequential relationship between offender violence, women’s
resistance strategies, and both the probability of rape completion and
subsequent physical injury in a sample of 274 women who were either raped or
avoided raped. They found that in
response to physical attacks, the most effective strategies were forceful
fighting and screaming for reducing the severity of a sexual assault without
increasing the level of physical injury indicating that forceful resistance
strategies are effective in avoiding rape without experiencing more physical
It is important to note that several additional rape context
factors, besides victim use of rape resistant strategies, seem to play a
significant role in outcomes of rape situations. These context factors include: place of rape (outside vs. indoors),
relationship to perpetrator (stranger vs. acquaintance vs. intimate), use of
weapon by perpetrator, and drug and alcohol use by victim (Bachman &
Carmody, 1994; Quinsey & Upfold, 1985; Ruback & Ivie, 1988; Ullman
& Knight, 1993). Relationship to
perpetrator is an important context factor given that 75% of rapes are
perpetrated by someone the victims knows (Kilpatrick, Edmonds, &
Seymour,1992). Therefore, a minority are actually perpetrated by
strangers. Critics of self defense
classes argue that the resistance strategies taught in self-defense programs
emphasize stranger assault situations rather than the more common types of
assault scenarios, such as acquaintance rape. Women in acquaintance assault
situations who do use assertive, action-oriented strategies have been found to
be more likely to avoid rape (Levine-MacCombie & Koss, 1986). However, Bachman and Carmody (1994) indicate
that assault victims perpetrated by intimates were nearly twice as likely to
sustain injury if they used physical-resistance strategies than victims of
stranger-perpetrated assaults. Whether forceful resistance strategies would be
beneficial for avoiding assaults perpetrated by someone the victim knows
remains unknown. Moreover, if it is
found that resistance strategies are beneficial for acquaintance and/or intimate
rape situations, it is uncertain whether women would utilize these strategies
after taking a self-defense class because current programs do not usually
directly address these types of scenarios.
Few studies have accounted for this factor and other context factors in
their investigations of self-defense strategies and rape outcome. Future research on the effectiveness of forceful resistance strategies
would benefit from including these important context factors in their analyses.
Overall, rape prevention
studies indicate that resistance strategies may decrease the chance of
completed rape with probable little effect on extent of physical injury. Data suggest support for the concepts
taught in self-defense classes; however, minimal longitudinal outcome studies
on self-defense classes have been conducted that directly evaluates its
effectiveness. It is unclear whether
providing education and practice of specific skills in a classroom would
generalize to actual life-threatening situations. In addition, questions remain
as to what other factors play a role in successfully utilizing skills taught in
a self-defense class (e.g., self-defense program factors such as type and
duration of training, context specific factors such as relationship to perpetrator
and perpetrator use of weapon). Future research is warranted to determine the
direct effects of self-defense classes on assault outcomes. Caution should be
given when interpreting the effects of resistance strategies on rape outcome
since there are numerous factors that relate to victimization, many of which
are out of a victim’s control.
Bachman, R. & Carmody, D.C. (1994). Fighting fire with fire: The effects of
resistance in intimate
versus stranger perpetrated assaults against females. Journal of Family Violence,
9, 317-331.
Bart, P.B. (1981).
A study of women who both were raped and avoided rape. Journal
Social Issues, 37, 123-137.
Cummings, N. (1992). Self-defense training for college women. Journal of American College
Health, 40, 183-188.
Kilpatrick, D.G., Edmonds, C.N., & Seymour, A.K.
Rape in America: A report to the
Arlington, VA: National Victim Center and Medical University of South Carolina.
Kleck, G. & Sayles, S. (1990). Rape and
resistance. Social Problems, 37,
stranger rape incidents.
Hanson, K.A., Gidycz, C.A. (1993). Evaluation of a sexual assault prevention
program. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 61, 1046-1052.
Levine-MacCombie, J. & Koss, M (1986). Acquaintance rape: Effective avoidance strategies.
Psychology of Women Quarterly, 10, 311-320.
Prentky, R.A., Burgess, A.W., Carter, D.L.
(1986). Victim responses by rapist
type: An
empirical and clinical
analysis. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1, 73-98.
Quinsey, V.L. & Upfold, D. (1985). Rape completion and victim injury as a
function of
female resistance
strategy. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 17, 40-50.
Ruback, R.B. & Ivie, D.L. (1988). Prior relationship, resistance, and injury
in rapes: An
analysis of crisis center
records. Violence & Victims, 3,
Ullman, S.E. (1997). Review and critique of empirical studies of rape avoidance.
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 24, 177-204.
Ullman, S.E. & Knight, R.A. (1995). Women’s resistance strategies to different
types. Criminal
Justice and behavior, 22, 263-283.
Ullman, S.E. & Knight, R.A. (1992). Fighting
back: Women’s resistance to rape. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence, 7, 31-43.
Ullman, S.E. & Knight, R.A. (1993). The efficacy of women’s resistance
strategies in
rape situations. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 17,
Weitlauf, J.C., Cervone, D. Smith, R., & Wright,
P.M. (2001). Assessing generalization
in perceived self-efficacy:
Multidomain and global assessments of the effects of self-defense training for
women. Personality & Social
Psychology Bulletin, 27, 1683-1691.
Weitlauf, J.C., Smith, R., Cervone, D. (2000). Generalization effects of coping-skills
training: Influence of
self-defense training on women’s efficacy beliefs, assertiveness, and
aggression. Journal of Applied
Psychology, 85, 625-633.
Zoucha- Jensen, J.M. & Coyne, A. (1993). The effects of resistance strategies on rape.
American Journal of Public Health, 83, 1633-1634.