and Discipline Problems in U.S. Public Schools: 1996-97: Executive
National Center for
Education Statistics (NCES)
NCES collects data to determine the frequency, seriousness, and incidence
of violence in elementary and secondary schools. The following is a copy
of the Executive Summary of the NCES School Violence Report (NCES publication
98-030). This report details the results of the Principal/School Disciplinarian
Survey on School Violence, 1996-97. The full report can be found at:
"No matter where you are, parents want their students to be safe
and secure… that might even precede a quality education…" With drugs,
gangs, and guns on the rise in many communities, the threat of violence
"weighs heavily on most principals' minds these days…anyone who thinks
they are not vulnerable is really naïve." (Principal Michael
Durso, Springbrook High School, as quoted in the Washingtonian
Magazine, September 1997).
Recent events have again focused the nation's attention on violence in U.S.
public schools, an issue that has generated public concern and directed
research for more than two decades.1Despite
long-standing attention to the problem, there is a growing perception that
not all public schools are safe for learning, and media reports highlight
specific school-based violent acts.
The seventh goal of the National Education Goals states that by the year
2000, "all schools in America will be free of drugs and violence and the
unauthorized presence of firearms and alcohol, and offer a disciplined environment
that is conducive to learning." In response to this goal, the Congress passed
the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994, which provides
for support of drug and violence prevention programs. As part of this legislation,
the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is required to collect
data to determine the "frequency, seriousness, and incidence of violence
in elementary and secondary schools." NCES responded to this requirement
by commissioning a survey, the Principal/School Disciplinarian Survey on
School Violence, 1996-97, the results of which are detailed in this report.
The school violence survey was conducted with a nationally representative
sample of 1,234 regular public elementary, middle, and secondary schools
in the 50 states and the District of Columbia in the spring and summer of
1997. The survey requested information on four topics:
The incidence
of crime and violence that occurred in public schools during the 1996-97
academic year
(or school disciplinarians') perceptions about the seriousness of a variety
of discipline issues in their schools
The types of
disciplinary actions schools took against students for serious offenses
The kinds of
security measures and violence prevention programs present in public schools
The types of criminal incidents schools were asked to report included murder,
suicide, rape or other type of sexual battery, assault or fight with a weapon,
robbery, assault or fight without a weapon, theft/ larceny, and vandalism.
Any effort to quantify the frequency and seriousness of these crimes and
violent incidents occurring in public schools will be affected by the way
in which the information is collected and reported. Three important aspects
of the process used to gather the data reported in this publication were:
The survey questions
asked, including how the questions were phrased, definitions applied,
time span covered, and the context in which they were asked
The choice of
survey respondent
The survey sample
The reader should keep these aspects in mind when comparing results of this
particular sample survey with other studies on school crime and violence.
The data reported from this study may vary from data reported elsewhere
because of differences in definitions, coverage, respondents, and sample.
For example, the data reported in this survey describe the number of incidents
of crime, not the number of individuals involved in such incidents. It should
be noted that an incident could involve more than one perpetrator or one
victim. Similarly, an individual perpetrator or victim could be involved
in multiple incidents.
Key Findings
How Serious A Problem Was Crime And Violence In U.S. Public Schools In
The 1996-1997 School Year?
More than half of U.S. public schools reported experiencing at least one
crime incident in school year 1996-97; and 1 in 10 schools reported at least
one serious violent crime during that school year (table 7).
percent of public elementary and secondary school principals reported
that one or more incidents of crime/violence that were reported to the
police or other law enforcement officials had occurred in their school
during the 1996-97 school year.
Ten percent
of all public schools experienced one or more serious violent crimes (defined
as murder, rape or other type of sexual battery, suicide, physical attack
or fight with a weapon, or robbery) that were reported to law enforcement
officials during the 1996-97 school year.
Physical attacks
or fights without a weapon led the list of reported crimes in public schools
with about 190,000 such incidents reported for 1996-97 (figure 1) About
116,000 incidents of theft or larceny were reported along with 98,000
incidents of vandalism. These less serious or nonviolent crimes were more
common than serious violent crimes, with schools reporting about 4,000
incidents of rape or other type of sexual battery, 7,000 robberies, and
11,000 incidents of physical attacks or fights in which weapons were used.
While 43 percent
of public schools reported no incidents of crime in 1996-97, 37 percent
reported from one to five crimes; and about 20 percent reported six crimes
or more (figure 3).
What Types Of Schools Were Likely To Have More Serious Problems With
Crime And Violence?
Crime and violence were more of a problem in middle and high schools than
in elementary schools. Middle schools and high schools were more likely
than elementary schools to report that they had experienced one or more
incidents of any crime and one or more incidents of serious violent crime
(table 7).
Forty-five percent
of elementary schools reported one or more violent incidents compared
with 74 percent of middle and 77 percent of high schools.
Four percent
of elementary schools reported one or more serious violent crimes compared
with 19 percent of middle and 21 percent of high schools.
Of the less
serious or nonviolent crimes, the largest ratios of crimes per 100,000
students were found in middle and high schools compared with elementary
schools. This was true for physical attacks or fights without a weapon,
theft/larceny, and vandalism (table 10).
In general,
elementary schools reported proportionately fewer incidents of serious
violent crime. They reported lower rates of physical attacks or fights
with a weapon and rape or other type of sexual battery.
While elementary
schools reported lower ratios of robbery compared with high schools, they
were not significantly different from middle schools.
Schools that reported serious discipline problems were more likely to have
experienced one or more incidents of crime or violence, and were more likely
to experience serious violent crime than those with less serious discipline
problems (table 7).
Sixteen percent
of school principals considered at least one serious discipline problem
(out of 17 discipline issues that they were asked about) to be a serious
problem in their schools in 1996-97 (table 12). The remaining schools
were about equally divided between those that had minor or no discipline
problems on all 17 issues (43 percent) and those that reported a moderate
(but no serious) problem on at least 1 of the issues (41 percent).
Principals in
high schools and middle schools were more likely than elementary school
principals to rate at least one discipline issue as a serious problem
in their schools. Thirty-seven percent of high school principals reported
at least one serious discipline problem in their schools compared with
18 percent of middle school principals and 8 percent of elementary school
principals (table 12).
In both 1990-91
and 1996-97, the three discipline issues most frequently rated as serious
or moderate problems by principals were student tardiness, student absenteeism
or class cutting, and physical conflicts among students (table 13).
What Measures Are Schools Taking To Deal With Crime And Violence?
Most public schools reported having zero-tolerance policies toward serious
offenses (table 19).
Principals were
asked whether the school had "zero-tolerance" policies, defined as school
or district policy mandating predetermined consequences for various offenses.
The proportion of schools that had such policies ranged from 79 to 94
percent on violence, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, weapons other than firearms,
and firearms (figure 8 and table 19).
Most schools reported that they employed low levels of security measures
to prevent violence (figure 11).
To discover what types of security were employed, schools were asked whether
visitors must sign in, if there was a closed campus policy for most students
during lunch, if access to the school building was controlled, if access
to school grounds was controlled, if there had been one or more drug sweeps,
whether the school used random metal detector checks on students, or whether
students must pass through metal detectors daily (table 22). Schools were
also asked about the presence of police or other law enforcement at the
school (table 23).
Two percent
of public schools had stringent security, which was defined as a full-time
guard and daily or random metal detector checks (figure 11).
Eleven percent
of schools had instituted moderate security measures such as a full-time
guard, or a part-time guard with restricted access to the school, or metal
detectors with no guards.
84 percent of
public schools reported having a low level of security-restricted access
to their schools but no guards or metal detectors.
Three percent
reported that none of the security measures asked about in the survey
were used.
Most schools reported having formal school violence prevention programs
(table 25).
percent of schools reported having some type of formal violence-prevention
or violence reduction program or effort.
Fifty percent
of public schools with violence-prevention programs indicated that all
or almost all of their students participated in these programs (figure
12 and table 30).
[1] U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare,
"Violent Schools - Safe Schools: The Safe School Study Report to the Congress,"
December 1977