and Sexual Assault
Dean G. Kilpatrick, Ph.D.
National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center
Medical University of South Carolina
Rape is the most underreported crime in America. Significant changes to
improve the treatment of sexual assault victims have occurred in the last
two decades. The impact of reforms, led by the women's movement, can be
seen in the legal, mental health, medical, and victim services arenas.
During the 1970s, the first rape crisis center was established. The treatment
of victims in the criminal justice system was questioned, and hundreds of
laws were passed to protect rape victims in the courts. Medical protocols
have been developed and widely accepted. The mental health impact of rape
is well documented in the literature, and the practices of mental health
professionals have improved.
Although the treatment of rape victims today is vastly different from three
decades ago, many victims still do not receive the assistance and treatment
they need.
Statistical Overview
Obtaining an accurate measurement of rape and other types of sexual assault
is a challenge. Determining the scope and nature of rape and other types
of sexual assault depends on how these crimes are defined and measured.
It is important to note that statistics are derived from different sources
employing different practices to gather information.
In 1997, there were 96,122 reported forcible rapes. (Federal Bureau of
Investigation. (released November 22, 1998). Crime in the United States,
Uniform Crime Reports, 1997, p.26. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
An estimated
70 of every 100,000 females in the country were reported rape victims
in 1997, a decrease 1% from 1996 13% from 1993. (Ibid.)
1997 National
Crime Victimization Survey, which includes both reported and unreported
crimes, found that despite a decline of 7% in the nation’s crime rate
in 1997, rates of rape and sexual assault did not decline. (Bureau
of Justice Statistics. (1998, December). National Crime Victimization
Survey. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.)
The National
Violence Against Women Survey, the first national study on stalking, found
that in the 12 months preceding the study, 0.3 percent of all women surveyed
experienced a completed or attempted rape, and 1.9 percent experienced
a physical assault. (Violence Against Women Grants Office. (1998, July).
Stalking and Domestic Violence: Third Annual Report to Congress Under
the Violence Against Women Act, p.7. Washington, DC: U.S. Department
of Justice.)
The National
Women’s Study (NWS), found that approximately 13% of adult women had been
victims of completed rape during their lifetime (Kilpatrick, Edmunds,
& Seymour, 1992; Resnick, Kilpatrick, Dansky, Saunders, & Best,
1993). During the year between interviews, 0.6% of adult women, or an
estimated 683,000 women were victims of rape (Kilpatrick et al., 1992).
In the two years between the first and third interviews, 1.2% of the adult
participants in the NWS were raped. The results: an estimated 1.1 million
women were raped in the United States during this two-year period (Kilpatrick,
Resnick, Saunders, Best, 1997).
Using a definition
of rape that includes forced vaginal, oral, and anal sex, the National
Violence Against Women Survey found that 1 of 6 U.S. Women and 1 of 33
U.S. men has experienced an attempted or completed rape as a child and/or
adult. According to estimates, approximately 1.5 million women and 834,700
men are raped and/or physically assaulted annually by an intimate partner
in the United States. (Tjaden, P. & Thoennes, N. (1998, November).
A Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Findings
From the National Violence Against Women Survey, @ p. 2 & 5. Research
in Brief. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department
of Justice.)
In 1996, more
than two-thirds of rape/sexual assaults committed in the nation remained
unreported. (Ringel, C. (1997, November). Criminal Victimization
in 1996, Changes 1995-1996 with Trends 1993-1996, NCJ-165812, p.3.
Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice.)
The National
Survey of Adolescents (NSA), a National Institute of Justice funded study
of national household probability sample of 4,023 adolescents age 12-17,
found that 8.1% of U.S. adolescents had been victims of at least one sexual
assault (Kilpatrick & Saunders, 1997; Kilpatrick, Acierno, Saunders,
Resnick, Best, & Schnurr, 2000). This indicates that an estimated
1.8 million 12 to 17 year olds have been sexually assaulted
More than 52
percent of all rape/sexual assault victims were females younger than 25.
(Perkins, C. (1997, September). Age Patterns of Victims of Serious
Crimes, NCJ-162031, p.1. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Statistics,
U.S. Department of Justice.)
Women who suffered
physical injury in addition to the injury suffered from the rape or sexual
assault reported 37% of those crimes, while only 22% of rapes and sexual
assaults without an additional physical injury were reported. (Craven,
D. (1994.) A Sex Differences in Violent Victimization, @ NCJ-164508, p.5.
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Special Report. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Justice).
Although rape has occurred throughout history, the birth of the anti-rape
movement in the US occurred only in the early 1970s. In 1972, the first
rape crisis centers were established in San Francisco, CA (Bay Area Women
Against Rape) and Washington, D.C. These grass roots centers grew out of
the women’s movement. They recognized that rape was an all-too-common part
of women’s lives and that it had a devastating impact on health and freedom.
The goals of centers were to educate society about rape and rape-prevention
and to improve the treatment of victims.
In the nearly three decades since its birth, the anti-rape movement has
accomplished many of its goals. Major accomplishments include:
Widespread reform
of rape statutes and other legislation.
in the way criminal justice officials treat victims.
A better understanding
of the scope and impact of rape.
Improved medical
and mental health services.
Better funding
for rape crisis centers and others who assist victims.
Despite this progress, there is much to be done. The fact that well over
a million Americans of all ages are raped each year suggests that efforts
to prevent rape have not been entirely successful.
Most rape cases go unreported (Kilpatrick, Edmunds, & Seymour, 1992;
Crowell & Burges, 1996; Ringel, 1996). In turn, those cases are never
investigated or prosecuted. Despite vast improvements in the investigation
and prosecution of rape, more are needed. Too few victims who sustain rape-related
mental or physical health problems obtain effective treatment.
This page will address the following issues:
Defining rape
and other types of sexual assault
The scope and
mental health effects of rape
Victims’ concerns
Improving cooperation
from victims
Improving the
way criminal justice officials and victim assistance providers
Improving the
investigation and prosecution of rape cases
Evolution of the Definition of Sexual Assault and Rape
Several authors have observed (e.g. Bourque, 1989; Estrich, 1987; Koss,
1993 ) that many people still believe that rape occurs only when a stranger
attacks an adult woman using overwhelming force. Using this definition,
boys or men cannot be raped; girls and adolescents cannot be raped; no one
can be raped by someone they know; and forced oral or anal sex does not
constitute rape. Thus, attempts to discuss the topic are often frustrating
because many people define rape differently.
Before the 1960s, the legal definition of rape was generally a common law
definition used throughout the United States that defined rape as "A carnal
knowledge of a women not one’s wife by force or against her will."
In 1962, the United States Model Penal Code (MPC) was established and updated
the definition of rape. The MPC defined rape as " A man who has sexual intercourse
with a female not his wife is guilty of rape if . . . he compels her to
submit by force or threat of force or threat of imminent death, serious
bodily injury, extreme pain, or Kidnapping" (Epstein & Langenbahn, 1994,
p. 7). In addition to limiting the definition of rape to a crime
against a woman, this code was also very narrow because:
It did not
acknowledge rape within marriage or co-habiting couples.
It focused
on the victim’s consent rather than the perpetrator’s forcible conduct.
the MPC established a grading system for the rape and similar offenses.
For example, it stated that rape by a voluntary social companion was
a less serious offense than rape by a stranger. In addition, it treated
the rape of men as a lesser felony than the rape of women.
In the 1970s and 1980s, extensive rape reform legislation was enacted throughout
the country. And the legal definition of rape dramatically changed. Michigan’s
1975 Criminal Sexual Conduct Statute, became the national model for an expanded
definition of rape. Today, Illinois’ Criminal Sexual Assault Statute is
considered the national model (Epstein & Langenbahn, 1994, p. 8). Both
statutes broadly define rape to include:
Gender neutrality,
broadening earlier definitions of rape to include men.
Acts of sexual
penetration other than vaginal penetration by a penis.
sexual abuse by the degree of force or threat of force used. That issimilar
to the "aggravated vs. simple" distinction applied to physical assaults.
Threats, as
well as overt force, are recognized as means of overpowering victims.
Taking advantage
of an incapacitated victim. This includes mental illness, victims under
the influence of drugs and alcohol. Some states require that perpetrators
give victims intoxicants to obtain sexual access.)
The Federal Definition of Rape
Despite these legislative changes, much of the debate that exists today
about what constitutes sexual assault and rape stems from how rape should
be defined (Crowell & Burgess, 1996).
For purposes of this chapter, rape and other forms of sexual assault are
defined using the Federal Criminal Code (Title 18, Chapter 109A, Sections
2241-2233). Although criminal statutes regarding rape differ somewhat
state-to-state, the Federal Code is national.
For example, in addition to incorporating the reform provisions discussed
above -- gender neutrality and a broad definition of sexual abuse acts
-- the Federal Criminal Code:
between types of sexual abuse on the basis of the degree of force or threat
of force used.
Does not use
the term "rape," and does not require the victim to label the act as rape
to meet the elements of the crime.
The 1986 federal statute defines two types sexual assault:
Sexual abuse
Aggravated sexual
Aggravated Sexual Abuse
Aggravated Sexual Abuse by Force or Threat of Force:
When a person knowingly causes another person to engage in a sexual act...
or attempts to do so by using force against that person, or by threatening
or placing that person in fear that that person will be subjected to death,
serious bodily injury, or kidnapping.
Aggravated Sexual Abuse by Other Means: When a person knowingly
renders another person unconscious and thereby engages in a sexual act
with that other person; or administers to another person by force or threat
of force, or without the knowledge or permission of that person, a drug,
intoxicant, or other similar substance and thereby:
a) Substantially impairs the ability of that person to appraise
or control conduct
b) Engages in a sexual act with that person
Aggravated Sexual Abuse with a Child: When a person knowingly engages
in a sexual act with another person who has not attained the age of twelve
years, or attempts to do so.
The definition for aggravated sexual abuse by force or threat of force is
analogous to what is usually called forcible rape. Aggravated sexual
abuse with children is a serious form of what is generally called statutory
rape. However, aggravated sexual abuse by other means is a type of non
forcible rape for which the perpetrator "shall be fined . . . imprisoned
for any term of years or life, or both."
Sexual Abuse
The Federal Criminal Code definition of sexual abuse includes:
Causing another
person to engage in a sexual activity by threatening or placing that person
in fear.
Engaging in
a sexual act if that person is incapable of declining participation in,
or communicating unwillingness to engage in that sexual act.
Abusive Sexual Contact is defined as "when no sexual
penetration actually occurred but when the intentional touching…of the
genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person
with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify
the sexual desire of any person occurs."
Sexual Abuse of a Minor or Ward is defined as "knowingly engaging
in a sexual act with a person between the ages of 12 and 15 years. (For
additional information on sexual crimes against children, see the chapter
on child victims).
Implications of Definitions
While great reforms have been made, the statute-based definitions for sex
crimes fall short. They are lacking in the following areas:
- The victim’s state of mind at the time of the crime, such as fear
of death or serious bodily harm; and the victim’s crime-related physical
and psychological injuries.
- The types of unwanted sexual acts involved, the types of force or
the coercion used, and the ages of victims and perpetrators.
Measuring Rape and Other Types of Sexual Assault
Estimates of the number of rapes and/or the number of women who have been
raped differ because the sources of these estimates use different samples,
different definitions of rape, different time frames of measurement, different
ways of measuring whether a rape has happened, and different units of analysis
in reporting statistics.
The difference
between rape cases and rape victims is that women can be
raped more than once.
There is a difference
between the incidence of rape and the prevalence of rape.
Incidence generally refers to the number of cases that occur
in a given time period (usually a year), and incidence statistics are
often reported as rates (e.g., the number of rape cases occurring per
100,000 women in the population).
generally refers to the percentage of women who have been raped
in a specified time period (e.g., within the past year or throughout their
There is clearly a difference between estimates based on reported vs. nonreported
cases. Fourth, estimates of rape come from two basic types of sources: 1)
government sources 2) studies conducted by private researchers funded by
federal grants.
With respect to government sources, the FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)
provides data on an annual basis only on the number of rapes and attempted
rapes that were reported to US law enforcement that year. As noted by Crowell
and Burgess (1996), another limitation of the UCR is that it uses the narrow
common-law definition of rape (i.e., a carnal knowledge [penile-vaginal
penetration only] of a female forcibly and against her will), meaning that
other types of rape defined by federal law are not reported.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics conducts the National Crime Victimization
Survey (NCVS) each year to measure reported and unreported crime, including
rape and other sexual assaults. Every six months, the NCVS interviews residents
12 years or older in approximately 50,000 randomly-selected households about
crimes that happened since the last interview.
In addition to data about the number of rape cases each year and
rape rates (i.e., number of cases per 10,000 women), the NCVS provides
information about the percentage of cases reported to police and characteristics
of cases. Because the NCVS is primarily measures the number of rapes per
year among those 12 and older, it cannot measure rapes that occurred prior
to the six-month reference period. Nor does it address children under age
12. Understandably, the NCVS and most other studies don’t measure rapes
of homeless women.
There are three major nongovernmental studies that provide additional information
about rape.
- The National Women’s Study (NWS), funded by the National Institute
of Drug Abuse: longitudinal survey of a national probability household
sample of 4008 adult women who were assessed at baseline and at one
and two year follow-ups. The NWS generated the influential Rape in
America: A report to the nation (Kilpatrick, Edmunds, & Seymour,
1992) as well as a number of other peer reviewed scientific publications.
The NWS measured rapes and other sexual assaults occurring throughout
victims’ lifetime as well as new cases occurring to adult women during
the follow-up period.
- The National Violence Against Women Survey (NVAW), funded by the National
Institute of Justice and the CDC: used similar methodology to that pioneered
by the NWS and interviewed 8,000 adult women and 8005 adult men (Tjaden
& Thoennes, 1998). Rape and sexual assault were measured using screening
questions virtually identical to those used in the NWS. Like the NWS,
the NVAW measured the lifetime prevalence of rape as well as rapes that
occurred during the year prior to the interview.
- The National Survey of Adolescents (NSA), funded by the National Institute
of Justice: conducted interviews with a national household probability
sample of adolescents age 12-17. These adolescents were interviewed
about sexual assaults and other crimes that occurred throughout their
lifetimes. Also, information was gathered about important characteristics
of these sexual assault cases (Kilpatrick & Saunders, 1996) and
about the mental health effect of such experiences.
National Information About the Scope and Key Characteristics of Rape
Accurate information about rape cases and victims is necessary to ensure
victims receive effective treatment and cases are thoroughly investigated
and prosecuted. The best information comes from the surveys described above.
These surveys are ideal because they include information about reported
and unreported cases.
Only a small percentage of rape cases are reported to police, and it is
critically important that we learn more about these cases and the victims.
Prior to describing the scope and case characteristics data, it is important
to consider the following:
victims to report attacks to police is critically important because most
rapists are recidivists who will continue to rape they are apprehended,
prosecuted, and incarcerated.
It is extremely
important to understand the extent of America’s sexual assault problem
to properly address it.
Different types
of sexual assault cases require different investigative and prosecutorial
strategies to enhance the prospects of successful prosecution.
The size, funding,
and staffing of law enforcement agencies in the US varies widely. A one-size-fits-all
sexual assault protocol applicable across all jurisdictions does not exist.
Unreported Sexual Assault Cases
National research indicates that most sexual assaults are never reported
to police. The best data on unreported crime comes from victimization surveys.
The surveys interview representative samples of adults and/or adolescents
asking if they have been victims and if they reported the crimes. Some surveys
also ask why victims did not report these crimes.
- At the national level, major victimization surveys suggest that most
sexual assaults go unreported. The National Crime Victimization Survey,
conducted each year by the U.S. Department of Justice, found that only
32% of sexual assault cases were reported to police in 1994. The Rape
in America survey conducted as a part of the National Women’s Study
found that only 16% of rape cases were reported to police or other authorities
(Kilpatrick, Edmonds & Seymour, 1992). Data from the National Survey
of Adolescents indicated that only 14.3% of sexual assault cases had
been reported. Thus, these national studies indicate that somewhere
between 14% and 32% of all sexual assaults or rapes are ever reported
to police.
- A study of nonincarcerated sex offenders conducted by Dr. Gene Abel
and his colleagues found that 126 men admitted that they had raped.
These 126 rapists had committed a total of 907 rapes involving 882
different victims. The average number of different victims per rapist
was seven (Abel et al., 1987).
These findings suggest that unreported rape constitutes a serious
public safety problem.
The Scope of the Rape and Sexual Assault Problem
As was previously described in the Statistical Overview section, the NVAW
produced an estimate that 14.8% of adult women in the U.S. had been raped
sometime during their lives and that another 2.8% had been victims of an
attempted rape (Tjaden & Thoennes, 1998). For adult men, comparable
lifetime prevalence estimates for rape and attempted rape were 2.1% and
0.9% respectively. The NWS found that 12.7% of adult women had been victims
of completed rape and 14.3% had been victims of other types of sexual assault.
The National Survey of Adolescents estimated that 13.0% of female adolescents
and 3.4% of male adolescents had been victims of a sexual assault at some
point during their lives (Kilpatrick & Saunders, 1997).
Data from the NWS and NSA indicate that revictimization is a problem for
women and adolescents. Thirty-nine percent of rape victims in the NWS had
been raped more than once, and 41.7% of the adolescent victims said that
they had been sexually assaulted more than once.
National Research on Rape
Due to myths, misconceptions and social attitudes about sex crimes, the
National Victim Center, in partnership with the National Crime Victims Research
and Treatment Center of the Medical University of South Carolina, published
Rape in America: A Report to the Nation in 1992.
The report was based on The National Women’s Study -- funded by the
National Institute of Drug Abuse -- a three-year longitudinal study of a
national probability sample of 4,008 adult women, (age 18 or older), 2,008
of whom represent a cross section of all adult women and 2,000 of whom are
an over sample of younger women between the ages of 18 and 34.
The study provided the first national empirical data about forcible rape
of women in America:
of one percent of all women surveyed had experienced a completed forcible
rape in the past year. This means an estimated 683,000 adult American
women who were raped during a twelve-month period.
Thirteen percent
of women have been victims of at least one completed rape in their lifetimes.
Based on U.S.
Census estimates of the number of adult women in America, one out of every
eight adult women, or at least, 12.1 million American women, has been
the victim of forcible rape sometime in her lifetime.
While 56%, or
an estimated 6.8 million women experienced only one rape, 39%, or an estimated
4.7 million, were raped more than once; and five percent were unsure as
to how many times they were raped.
Prior to this study, national information about rape was limited to data
on reported rapes from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports or data from
the Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Crime Survey (NCS) on reported
and unreported rapes in the past year. The number of rapes per year in Rape
in America was approximately five times higher than the Uniform Crime
Reports or the NCS. Recently, the NCS has been redesigned amid concerns
that it failed to detect a substantial proportion of rape cases.
Age of Rape Victims
The NWS found that "rape in America is a tragedy of youth," with the majority
of cases occurring during childhood and adolescence:
percent of all forcible rapes occurred when the victim was less than 11
years old.
Another 32%
occurred when the victim was between ages of 11-17.
Slightly more
than one in five rapes (22%) occurred between the ages of 18-24.
Seven percent
of rapes occurred between the ages of 25-29.
Only six percent
of rapes occurred when the victim was older than 29 years old.
The NVAW Survey found:
21.6% of first
or only rape cases experienced by women happened before age 12.
32.4% of such
cases happened between the ages of 12 and 17.
29.4% happened
between the ages of 18 and 24.
16.6% happened
at age 25 or greater.
Note: The NWS data represent a breakdown of victim’s ages at the
time of all rape cases; and the NVAW data are a breakdown of age
at the time of first rape only.
The NSA also provides information about the age at time of 462 cases of
sexual assault experienced by 12-17-year-old adolescents (Kilpatrick, 1996,
from the Mouths of Victims paper).
29.9% had been
assaulted before age 11.
16.3% between
the ages of 11 and 12.
20.8% between
the ages of 13 and 14.
20.8% between
the ages of 15 and 16.
1.7% at age
Note: In the remaining 8.7% of cases, victims were not sure or refused
to provide age data.
Relationship of the Victim to the Offender
The NWS dispelled the common myth that most women are raped by strangers.
For example:
Only 22% of
rape victims were assaulted by someone they had never seen before or did
not know well.
Nine percent
of victims were raped by husbands or ex-husbands.
percent by fathers or stepfathers.
Ten percent
by boyfriends or ex-boyfriends.
Sixteen percent
by other relatives.
percent by other non-relatives, such as friends and neighbors.
In addition to the data just presented, the NWS gathered information about
new cases that happened to adult women during the two-year follow up period.
This information on the 41 such cases provides excellent information about
the breakdown for new rapes experienced by adult women (Kilpatrick, Resnick,
Saunders, & Best, 1998) (Dohrenwend book chapter).
24.4% of offenders
were strangers.
21.9% were husbands.
19.5% were boyfriends.
9.8% were other
9.8% were friends.
14.6% were other
The NVAW survey used different categories for victim-perpetrator relationships
but reported similar findings with respect to the types of perpetrators
most prevalent in rape cases occurring after age of 18.
76% of perpetrators
were intimate partners (i.e., current and former spouses, cohabiting partners,
dates, and boyfriends/girlfriends).
16.8% were acquaintances.
14.1% were strangers.
8.6% were relatives
other than spouses.
The NSA provides a different perspective because it provides data on cases
during childhood and adolescence (Kilpatrick, 1996).
32.5% of perpetrators
were identified as friends.
23.2% were strangers.
22.1% were relatives
(fathers, stepfathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents, others).
18.1% were other
nonrelatives known well by the victim.
Degree of Physical Injury
Another common misconception about rape is that most victims sustain serious
physical injuries. Using lifetime cases from the NWS:
Over two-thirds
(70%) of victims reported no physical injuries.
Only four percent
sustained serious physical injuries.
percent received minor physical injuries.
Of considerable
importance is that almost half of all rape victims (49%) described being
fearful of serious injury or death during the rape.
Not surprisingly, the percentage of new rape cases (n=41) experienced by
adult women in the NWS resulting in physical injuries was somewhat higher
than cases that included childhood and adolescent rapes (Kilpatrick et al.,
9.8% of victims
reported serious physical injuries.
46.3% sustained
minor injuries.
43.9% sustained
no physical injuries.
58.5% said that
they were fearful of serious injury of death.
The NVAW survey provides a detailed breakdown of physical injuries sustained
and medical treatment of the recent cases of rapes women experienced since
age 18.
31.5% of women
sustained some physical injuries.
Only 35.6% of
victims with injuries received medical treatment.
In the NSA, 85.5% of child and adolescent cases resulted in no physical
injuries. Only 1.3% of victims reported serious injuries, and 11% reported
minor injuries (Kilpatrick, 1996).
Implications of These Findings About the Scope and Characteristics
of Rape for the Investigation and Prosecution of Rape Cases
Information from all of these sources provides compelling evidence that
most rapes are committed by perpetrators who are known well by their victims.
This has profound implications for how rape cases should be investigated
and prosecuted. If most victims know the identity of their perpetrators,
then the key investigative issue is not collecting evidence to identify
the perpetrator. Instead, most cases will likely require evidence refuting
claims by the alleged perpetrator that the sexual activity was consensual.
Known perpetrators are unlikely to claim they were mistakenly identified
as a defense because forensic examinations can conclusively link the perpetrator
to the assault
Second, Susan Estrich (1987) notes that successful prosecution of rape cases
often requires victims to produce evidence of physical injuries to prove
that they did not consent.
The fact that the vast majority of rape victims do not sustain major physical
injuries also has clear implications for investigation and prosecution.
The first implication is that most victims will not exhibit overt physical
injuries, causing many people to conclude the victim consented.
The second implication is that forensic examinations must focus on detecting
evidence of physical injuries that are not consistent with consensual sexual
activity. Law enforcement, prosecutors, and jurors need to be informed about
these physical injury data.
This information indicates that most rapes and other sexual assaults involve
relatively young victims - not adult women, as most people believe. This
suggests that separate investigative protocols should be established for
adult and child victims.
Implications for Sexual Assault Forensic Medical Examinations
In sexual assault cases, the victim’s body is the primary "crime scene."
The forensic medical examination is a critical part of evidence collection.
Based on the victim’s report of what sexual acts occurred, the forensic
exam collects evidence from the victim’s body that can establish: 1) sexual
activity occurred 2) that a given person committed the acts 3) the sexual
act produces physical injuries consistent with forced sex.
The exam needs to collect evidence documenting that a sex act occurred
to counter the defense that a suspect never had sex with the victim. The
exam also needs to collect DNA or other evidence proving the named suspect
committed the sexual act(s) in question. This evidence can be used to
prove that the sexual act occurred and that the defendant was responsible
for it.
The only remaining defense a suspect can use is a consent-defense. One
of the few ways to counter a claim of consent is to collect evidence of
physical injuries (to the vulva, vagina or anus) that are inconsistent
with consensual sex.
Most sexual assault protocols for adult victims do not include state-of-the-art
procedures for detecting physical injuries to the victim’s vulva, vagina,
or anus. Fortunately, new technology exists that may greatly increase
detection of physical injuries.
The colposcope is a standard tool used by gynecologists for the
evaluation of microscopic cervical, vaginal, or vulvar disease. Using
a colposcope, the vulva, vagina, cervix, and/or anus can be examined at
magnifications over 30 times the actual size. This permits detection of
tears, bruises, or abrasions invisible to the naked eye. Colposcopic examination
provides a much more objective and sensitive way of seeing and documenting
genital, anal, and other injuries in sexual assault victims.
Conventional rape exams without colposcopes typically report evidence
of genital injuries in only 19%-28% of cases (Slaughter & Brown, 1992).
However, examiners using colposcopes find evidence of genital trauma in
up to 87% of cases (Slaughter & Brown, 1992).
Another important finding is that colposcopic examinations of women
who have had recent consensual sexual intercourse do not find evidence
of physical injury. Thus, the colposcope is not only capable of
detecting physical injuries invisible to the naked eye, but a trained
expert examiner can also testify that such injuries do not occur during
consensual sex.
The ideal acute sexual assault exam protocol would have two parts:
The first part would be similar to the existing protocol, which is conducted
within 72 hours of the assault. However, the protocol would be changed
to include a colposcopic exam.
The second part of the protocol would include a second colposcopic exam
conducted 4-6 weeks after the assault. The purpose is to collect evidence
of a victim’s recovery from physical injuries detected during the first
exam. That would provide evidence for an expert examiner to testify about
recovery from injuries inconsistent with consensual sex.
A final advantage of the colposcope is that technology exists to take
color photographs or make videotapes of the injuries detected. This documentation
of injuries has been described as having a powerful impact on jurors.
And defendants, who entered guilty pleas when confronted with this evidence.
The Need for a Comprehensive Approach
Improving the investigation and prosecution of rape cases cannot be accomplished
by any single agency. At least two recent major reports strongly advocate
interagency cooperation (Epstein, Langenhahn, 1994; National Victim Center,
1992). The National Victim Center Report, A Looking Back, Moving Forward:
A Guidebook for Communities Responding to Sexual Assault, identified
a number of agencies that should play a key role after an assault occurs.
These agencies and their roles are depicted in a figure contained in the
above mentioned report (National Victim Center, 1992). This figure identifies
roles for five types of agencies/disciplines in responding to sexual assaults:
- Medical
- Law Enforcement
- Prosecution
- Corrections
- Victim Services
As the figure indicates, victims who report rapes to law enforcement will
likely have contact with medical and victim service professionals as well
as law enforcement. If an arrest is made, prosecution professionals become
involved. If there is a conviction, then corrections becomes involved. The
NVC report strongly advocates establishing community sexual assault interagency
councils with representatives from these areas. The report also suggests
these interagency councils should negotiate a multiagency protocol specifying
how sexual assault cases should be handled.
Even though establishing an interagency council is difficult and may be
impractical in some communities, the importance of cooperation cannot be
overemphasized. Law enforcement is critically important, but law enforcement
cannot succeed without the assistance and support of other agencies.
The US has numerous police and prosecutorial jurisdictions. No single policy
will fit the needs of all jurisdictions. In large metropolitan areas or
large departments, it might be feasible to develop sex crimes investigation
units. This is not feasible in small jurisdictions. Likewise, large metropolitan
areas have many law enforcement agencies as well as major medical centers,
rape crisis centers, and other victim service agencies. Small law enforcement
agencies are often in small towns or rural areas that lack ready access
to medical centers and victim services. Large agencies often have victim
advocates, but small agencies rarely do.
Even though victims’ needs and the elements of effective investigation and
prosecution are the same regardless of jurisdiction, protocol should reflect
the circumstances within different jurisdictions.
Reasons for Nonreporting and How to Increase Reporting
Why don’t victims report rapes to police?
According to a recent BJS report (1994), attempted crimes, and crimes that
did not result in physical injuries were less likely to be reported to police
than completed crimes or those producing injuries. Victims of violent crimes
who reported said they did so to help prevent future acts of violence and
because they thought it was the right thing to do. A primary reason for
not reporting was a victim’s desire to maintain privacy.
The Rape in America report (Kilpatrick et al., 1992) included information
relevant to why most victims are reluctant to report (see Figure 1). Major
concerns identified by victims were: being blamed by others, their families
finding out about the rape, other people findings out, and their names being
made public by the news media.
A victim with these concerns would likely have substantial reservations
about reporting the rape to police. However, it is reasonable to assume
that addressing these concerns might encourage reporting.
A second part of the Rape in America report described the results
of a national survey of 522 organizations that provided crisis-counseling
services to adult victims, some of whom did not report to police. Representatives
from these agencies provided a list of actions that would increase victims’
willingness to report rapes to police. Below are the actions and the percentage
of agencies that thought each action would be effective.
- Educate the public about acquaintance rape/99%
- 0Pass laws protecting confidentiality victims’ identity/97%
- Expand counseling and advocacy services/97%
- Provide mandatory HIV testing for indicted defendants/80%
- Provide free pregnancy counseling and abortions/77%
- Provide confidential, free testing for HIV and STDs/57%
Efforts to increase the reporting of rape
cases must be as big a priority as effective processing of cases. This
requires a great deal of public education about rape, especially acquaintance
rape. It will also require ensuring victims have access to needed support
services and that they know their privacy will be protected to the extent
that is legally possible. It also requires a public education campaign
stressing the importance of reporting all rapes.
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