Publications by Center Faculty: Center for Trauma Recovery University of Missouri, St. Louis (NVAWPRC site)

Center for Trauma Recovery University of Missouri, St. Louis
Compiled by
Patricia Resick, Ph.D.

Publications pertaining to violence against women from the past five years from the Center for Trauma Recovery, University of Missouri-St. Louis. After each citation in bold is an assessment of which level of prevention is considered by each article or chapter.

Astin, M. C., & Resick, P. A. (1997). Tratamiento cognitivo-conductual del trastorno por estres postraumatico. In V. E. Caballo (Ed.), Manual para el tratamiento cognitivo-conductual de los trastornos psicologicos, vol. 1. (pp. 171-209). Madrid, Spain: Siglo XXI. (Tertiary prevention).

Attala, J. & Weaver, T. L. (in press). Prevalence of injuries and health related issues at a battered women's shelter: Implications for home care providers. Home Care Provider. (Tertiary prevention)

Chard, J. M., Resick, P. A., & Wertz, J. J. (in press). Group therapy with rape victims. In B. H. Young & D. D. Blake (Eds.), Group treatment for post-traumatic stress disorders: Conceptualization, themes, and processes. New York: Taylor and Francis. (Tertiary prevention)

Chard, K. M. Weaver, T. L., & Resick, P. A. (1997). Adapting cognitive processing therapy for work with survivors of child sexual abuse. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 4, 31-52. (Tertiary prevention)

Falsetti, S. A., & Resick, P. A. (1995). Causal attributions, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder in victims of crime. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25, 1027-1042. (Secondary prevention)

Griffin, M. G., Nishith, P., Resick, P. A. Yehuda, R. (1997). Integrating objective indicators of treatment outcome in PTSD. In R. Yehuda & A. C. McFarlane (Eds.), Psychobiology of PTSD (pp. 388-410). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 821. (Tertiary prevention)

Griffin, M. G., Resick, P. A., & Mechanic, M. B. (1997). Objective assessment of peritraumatic dissociation: Psychophysiological indicators. American Journal of Psychiatry, 154, 1081-1088. (Secondary prevention)

Kilpatrick, D. G., Resnick, H. S., Weaver, T. L., Nayak, M. B., Saunders, B. E., & Best, C. L. (19 96). The NCVC brief screening for assault questionnaire. In Beth H. Stamm (ed.), Measurement of Stress, Trauma and Adaptation. Lutherville, MD: Sidran Press. (Primary and Secondary Prevention)

Kilpatrick, D. G., Resnick, H. S., Freedy, J. R., Pelcovitz, D., Resick, P. A., Roth, S., & van der Kolk, B. (1998). The posttraumatic stress disorder field trial: Evaluation of the PTSD construct: Criteria A through E. In T.A. Widiger, A. J. Frances, H.A. Pincus, M.B. First, R. Ross, & W. Davis (Eds.) DSM-IV sourcebook (volume IV). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

Kimball,M.A., Resick, P.A. (1998). Predictors and Correlates of Alexithymia: A Multidimensional Approach. The Missouri Psychologist, 1(3). 9-16. (Secondary prevention

McCall, G. J. and N. Shields, (1998). "Violence and Health," in S. Alters and W. Schiff, Essential Concepts for Healthy Living, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 65-82. (Primary and secondary prevention)

Mechanic, M.B. & Aber, M.S. (1997). O.J. Simpson: A threat to internal validity? Journal of Social Issues, 53 (3), 517-530. (Primary/secondary prevention)

Mechanic, M.B. (1996). Battered women, homicide and the legal system. In A.R. Roberts (Ed.) Helping battered women: New perspectives and remedies. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 132-156. (Tertiary prevention)

Mechanic, M.B., Resick, P.A., & Griffin, M.G.(1998). A comparison of normal forgetting, psychopathology, and information processing models of reported amnesia for recent sexual trauma. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66(6). 948-957. (Secondary prevention)

Nishith, P., & Resick, P. A. (1997). Cognitive therapy for sexual assault victims. In A. Maercker (Ed.), Treatment of PTSD. (Pp. 193-228). Berlin: Springer. (Tertiary prevention)

Nishith, P., & Resick, P. A. (in press). Cognitive-behavioral intervention. In D. J. Miller (Ed.), Handbook of Posttraumatic Disorders. New York, NY: Plenum Publishing Corporation. (Tertiary prevention)

Nishith, P., Mechanic, M.B., & Resick, P.A. (in press). Prior Interpersonal Trauma: The Contribution to Current PTSD Symptoms in Female Rape Victims. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. (Secondary prevention)

Nishith, P., Weaver, T. L., Resick, P. A., & Uhlmansiek, M. (1999). General memory functioning at pre-and post-treatment in female rape victims with posttraumatic stress disorder. In L. Williams & V. Banyard (Eds.), Trauma and Memory. Newbury Park: Sage. (Secondary implications, tertiary intervention)

Pelcovitz, D., van der Kolk, B., Roth, S., Mandel, F., Kaplan, S., & Resick, P.A. (1997). Development of a criteria set and a structured interview for disorders of extreme stress (SIDES). Journal of Traumatic Stress, 10(1), 3-16. (Secondary prevention)

Resick, P. A. (1994). Addressing PTSD and depression in victims of sexual assault. Anxiety Disorders Association of America Reporter, V(3), 7-13. (Tertiary prevention)

Resick, P. A. (1994). Cognitive processing therapy for rape-related PTSD and depression. The National Center for PTSD Clinical Quarterly, 4, 1-5. (Tertiary prevention)

Resick, P. A., & Calhoun, K. S. (1996). PTSD. In C. Lindemann (Ed.), Handbook of the anxiety disorders. (pp. 189-216). New York: Jason Aronson. Chapter condensed into essay for Psychotherapy Book News: A Journal of Essays and Reviews, 32, 1998, 41-44. (Tertiary prevention)

Resick, P. A., & Mechanic, M. B. (1995). Brief cognitive therapies for rape victims. In A. R. Roberts (Ed.), Crisis intervention and time-limited cognitive treatment (pp. 91-126). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. (Tertiary prevention)

Resick, P. A., & Nishith, P. (1997). Sexual assault. In R. C. Davis, A. J. Lurigio, & W. G. Skogan (Eds.), Victims of crime (second edition) (pp. 27-52). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. (Tertiary prevention)

Resick, P. A., Nishith, P., & Astin, M. C. (1999). Empirically based therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder. In H. Van Bilsen (Ed.), Effective interventions in mental health: Cognitive behavior therapy introduced . Wellington, New Zealand: Central Institute of Technology Press. (Tertiary prevention)

Shields, N. and G. J. McCall, (1997). "Violence and Health," in S. Alters and W. Schiff, Concepts for Healthy Living, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 77-96. (Primary and secondary prevention)

Thompson Sanders, V.L. & West Smith, S. (1998). "Sexual assault treating/reporting attitudes survey." In Davis, C. M., Yarker, R. Bauserman,G. Scheer, and S. L. Davis. Sexually Related Measures: A Compendium (p.506). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. (Secondary and tertiary prevention)

Weaver, T. L. (1998). Method variance and sensitivity of screening for traumatic stressors. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 11 (1), 181-185. (Primary and Secondary prevention)

Weaver, T. L. & Clum, G. A. (1996). Interpersonal violence: Expanding the search for long-term sequelae within a sample of battered women. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 9 (4), 797-817. (Secondary and Tertiary prevention)

Weaver, T. L., & Clum, G. A. (1993). Early family environments and traumatic experiences associated with borderline personality disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61 (3), 1068-1075. (Secondary and Tertiary prevention)

Weaver, T. L., & Clum, G. A. (1995). Psychological distress associated with interpersonal violence: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 15 (2), 115-140. (Secondary and Tertiary prevention)

Weaver, T. L., Chard, K. M., & Resick, P. A. (1998). Issues in treating rape and sexual assault. In N. Tarrier, A. Wells, & G. Haddock (Eds.), Treating complex cases: The cognitive processing therapy approach. London, UK: John Wiley & Sons. (Tertiary prevention)

Weaver, T. L., Kilpatrick, D. G., Resnick, H. S., Best, C. L., & Saunders, B. E. (1997). An examination of physical assault and childhood victimization within a national probability sample of women. In G. Kaufman-Kantor & J. L. Jasinski (Eds.), Out of the Darkness: Contemporary Research Perspectives on Family Violence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (Secondary prevention)

Weaver, T. L., Nishith, P., & Resick, P. A. (1998). Prolonged exposure therapy and irritable bowel syndrome: A case study examining the impact of a treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on a physical condition. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 5, 99-118.. (Tertiary prevention)

Weaver, T. L., Resnick, H. S., Glynn, S. M., & Foy, D. W. (in press). Behavior therapy for PTSD. In M. Hersen & A. S. Bellack (eds.). Handbook of Comparative Interventions for Adult Disorders: Prescriptive Treatment and Managed Care (Second Edition). New York: John Wiley & Sons. (Tertiary prevention)

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