If you have been a victim of violence,
please read this

Internet Safety for Victims of Violence
(Please read this link before going any further)

We are very pleased to have you as a visitor to our web site and hope you will find information here that will be useful to you. Unfortunately, we are unable to address individual situations and concerns on a one-by-one basis. However, there are a number of articles and references for books that we feel may be of interest to you, and that information is listed below. The links area (also located below) may be useful to you in locating organizations that are able to provide advocacy on a personal basis.

Resources for getting help, more information, or finding out about volunteer or grassroots advocacy and social action opportunities
Victims of intimate partner violence (domestic, dating violence or abuse), sexual assault, and stalking can obtain assistance from a local victim specialist or advocate. Victim specialists and advocates can be found at local domestic violence or rape crisis programs. Telephone numbers for these programs are usually listed in the front section of your local telephone book under "Community Service Numbers" or "Emergency Assistance Numbers."   Victim specialists and advocates also can be found in most local prosecutors' offices and in some law enforcement agencies, telephone numbers and addresses should be listed in the government sections of your local telephone book. If you are unsure where the nearest source of help is located, your state Coalition Against Domestic Violence, or Coalition Against Sexual Assault should be able to provide referrals and advice or you can contact one of the national sources listed below.

Some important national telephone numbers for obtaining advice, information, or referral for intimate partner and sexual violence include:

National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-SAFE
Violence Against Women Office
(U.S. Department of Justice)
Rape, Abuse, and Incest
National Network (RAINN)
Center for the Prevetnion of Sexual
and Domestic Violence

National Clearinghouse on Marital
and Date Rape

National Coalition Against
Domestic Violence
National Center for Victims of Crime 800-FYI-CALL

National Resource Center on Domestic

Battered Women's Justice Project 800-903-0111
National Clearinghouse for the Defense
of Battered Women

Resource Center on Child Protection
and Custody


The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence has provided a list of telephone numbers for state coalitions. You may find this list at their website.

American Bar Association
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
National Center for Victims of Crime
National Crime Prevention Council
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rpae
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Missouri Victim Assistance Network
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
The National Women's Health Information Center
Violence Against Women Office of the National Institute of Justice
Institute for Law and Justice - Stalking information
NCVC - Documenting Stalking Behavior
Stalking Assistance Site
Office for Victims of Crime - Overview of Stalking as a Crime
Office for Victims of Crime - Suggestions for Victims of Stalking

Some of the websites listed above may have both commercial/for-profit and social advocacy purposes. It should be noted that the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center is not involved in the production or provision of goods and services advertised on these sites. Our listing of websites and telephone numbers is not an endorsement of goods or services provided for purchase by these organizations or by organizations listed on their web sites.


Article Title
Pate Mahoney
Stalking Mindy Mechanic
Lesbian Partner Violence Suzanna Rose

Book Title and Reference
Matsakis, Aphrodite (1992). I Can't Get Over It: A handbook for Trauma Survivors. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger
Rothbaum, Barbara O. & Foa, Edna B. Reclaiming Your Life After Rape: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Client Workbook. The Psychological Corporation, Graywinds Publications, Inc.

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