Related Crime, Trauma, and PTSD Resources
(in alphabetical order)

American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children  APSAC is a multidisciplinary organization whose mission is to ensure that everyone affected by child maltreatment receives the best possible professional response.  Their website offers information on numerous publications including their journal (Child Maltreatment), practice guidelines, and their news journal (The APSAC Advisor).  The website also lists information on trainings, colloquiums, and legislation regarding child abuse issues.  Users can fill out an application on-line for membership in the organization and the legislation list-serv.

American Women Overseas Domestic Violence Fund (AOWS)
This is a Portland, OR-based organization that provides resources to American women and their children living overseas. They have launched the first international domestic violence crisis line for abused American women and their children living in foreign countries. The number for the crisis line is 866-USWOMEN. Information on the cirsis line and additional resources for abused American women overseas, including information about how to speak with an AOWS counselor, are available online.

Arizona Rape Prevention Education Evaluation Project  This project involves the evaluation of rape prevention education activities and the provision of technical assistance to programs that provide school and community based rape prevention education and rape crisis hotline services in Arizona. The cite includes a list of measures used to study rape and rape education/prevention programs, citations related to rape, and information on funding opportunities for non-profit organizations.

Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers   ATSA is a non-profit, interdisciplinary organization that was founded to foster research, facilitate information exchange, further professional education and provide for the advancement of professional standards and practices in the field of sex offender evaluation and treatment. The site includes information on membership, ATSA's journal (Sex Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment), research awards, conferences, employment and training opportunities, and book announcements.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   The website includes an inventory of Services and Funding Sources for Programs Designed to Prevent Violence Against Women that users may download.  The website also includes a wealth of information regarding the organization, health statistics, scientific data, fact sheets, etc.  Information is also provided about CDC employment, training, and educational opportunities.  

Center for Sex Offender Management    CSOM is a national project to support local jurisdictions in the effective management of sex offenders under community supervision through information exchange, intensive training, technical assistance, and resource sites.  Information on each of these components is included on the website as well as CSOM publications.

Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System of the London Family Court Clinic, CANADA  Provides the history and information about the organization, as well as information on documents and publications, and on-line publications related to victimization and violence.

Communities Against Violence Network  CAVNET website provides information at different security levels.  Level one provides information available to the public including results of the National Violence Against Women Survey and information on information and resources about domestic violence (including within the gay and lesbian community), stalking, sexual assault and rape, drug-facilitated sexual assault, violence against people with disabilities, youth violence, and school violence.links to the Violence Against Women Office at the Justice Department.  Level two provides information for professionals and requires a user name and password.

Dignity of Victims Everywhere (DOVE, Snohomish County, Washington)  DOVE is an on-line violent crime victim support and resource nonprofit organization.  The site contains resource information for victims of various types of crime.

Family Violence Prevention Fund Public announcements, The National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence, conference information, fact sheets on family violence issues, information and materials for screening for abuse, publications regarding the impact of domestic violence on children, judicial issues, news archives and current news items, and much more.

The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies   Provides information regarding the organization, membership, publications on critical issues facing the field, ISTSS publications (Journal of Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Stress Points), list of related websites, discussion groups, mailing lists, government resources, nonprofit trauma organizations and foundations, and university resources.  

International Victimology Website--Gateway to Victim-Related Issues  This site provides a profile of the website and its mission, online publications including United Nations documents, research, services, and prevention databases, and news and bulletin boards.

Joint Center on Violence and Victim Studies The Joint Center on Violence and Victim Studies is an interdisciplinary university affiliation between California State University at Fresno and Washburn University. The Center's mission is to address issues of violence and victimization through education, research, and public policy initiatives, thereby enhancing professional practices, organizational policies, and societal responses.

Long Beach PTSD Info from the VA   The Post Traumatic Stress Resources Web Page provides numerous links to other PTSD-related sites and databases, includes on-line publications.

Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse  The MINCAVA website offers information and on-line materials regarding education and training resources, professional resources, web links, papers and reports, art and poetry, and employment opportunities.

Missouri Victim Assistance Network MOVA offers

Mitretek Criminal Justice Links   The objective of Mitretek is to provide technical assistance and support to state and local criminal justice agencies for the acquisition and application of criminal justice information systems.  The web site includes links to various sites and resources regarding criminal justice issues.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children   This site allows users to view pictures of missing children and includes volunteer information, news and events, information about several programs implemented to assist families with missing children, and educational resources.

The National Center for PTSD:  Research and Education on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder  The National Center for PTSD is a program of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.  The site includes information on: the organization and its activities, and PTSD in different populations. It contains listings for employment and training opportunities, publications for researchers and clinicians, an online guidebook for disaster mental health services for clinicians and administrators.  The site also includes the PILOTS database (no charge and no password required) and PTSD Resource Center.

National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect is a service of the US Department of Health and Human Services.  The website includes catalogs of publications, funding information, databases, and various specialized services for professionals.

National Criminal Justice Association   The site contains organizational information, NCJA's policy statements, highlights of NCJA's Justice Bulletin, news releases, publications, as well as information on membership, the annual meeting, internship opportunities, seminars, and links to related sites.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service    The Justice Information Center website contains documents, links to web sites, and listservs information in the following areas:  corrections, juvenile justice, courts, research and evaluation, crime prevention, drug policy, and victims.  It also includes press releases, criminal justice statistics, and link to the National Institute of Justice homepage.

National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect  NDACAN  is a project of the Family Life Development Center College of Human Ecology, Cornell University.  The mission of this project is to facilitate the secondary analysis of research data relevant to the study of child abuse and neglect.  The website provides detailed information about the Archive and its holdings, information on the Summer Research Institute, contact information for the Child Maltreatment Research internet discussion group and the Archive's technical support.

National Institute on Drug Abuse   The website provides a wealth of information about drugs and drug use, bimonthly newsletter, conferences, drug education projects, current investigations, research results, grants and funding opportunities, research training, and legislative information.

National Institutes of Health   The website provides information on health resources, funding opportunities, scientific resources, calendar of events, press releases, and the specific organizations that make up the NIH.

National Institute of Justice  NIJ's website provides information on many specific programs, including the Violence Against Women and Family Violence Research and Evaluation Program.  Also contains funding information and a listing of publications.

National Institute of Mental Health  The NIMH website provides information on specific programs, research investigations, funding opportunities, a listing of available publications, news and events, clinical trials, educational resources for the public, practitioners, and researchers, and employment opportunities.

National Trauma Center  The website provides information on special programs, including the "Child Safety Seat Clinic."

Office for Victims of Crime  Includes information on grants and funding opportunities, the various OVC divisions, contacts for the OVC Resource Center, a variety of information resources, and resources for international victims.

Partnerships Against Violence Network  Website provides information on violence prevention, treatment, and enforcement initiatives, with data from several different federal agencies, and funding opportunities.

People Against Rape (PAR)  Provides information on child victims services in Spanish.

Programs in Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders (PCAAD; Duke University)  The program focuses on the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder in children.  The site includes information on all anxiety disorders affecting children, as well as a list of frequently asked questions (and their answers) about anxiety and children.

Sexual Assault Information Page  SAIP provides information and resources regarding concerning acquaintance rape, child sexual abuse/assault, incest, rape, ritual abuse, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. The site also includes bibliographies for particular topics.

South Carolina Victim Assistance Network Online Victims Services and Resources Pages  Provides information on upcoming events, seminars and trainings, abstracts of legislation related to victims of crime, and a library containing book reviews and journals.  The site also allows users to search for specific resources for each South Carolina county.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) SAMHSA is comprised of three Centers that carry out the agency's mission of providing substance abuse and mental health services: the Center for Mental Health Services, the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. The site provides information on each of these centers, as well as six special offices designed to coordinate the agency's work. It also includes information on funding and employment opportunities, on-line publication, statistics, and data archives.

University of Virginia Youth Violence Project Information is provided on the program, descriptions of ongoing projects, and results of the program's research studies. The site includes a bibliographies for many aspects of violence.

Victims of Violence Canadian Center for Missing Children  The website includes a database of missing children, resources for law enforcement agencies, hotline number, and links to Canadian police forces.

The World Society of Victimology  The site provides information on this organization and its activities, on-line membership application, and information on the International Symposium on Victimology.

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