Structure and Organization

How the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center
is organized

The NVAWPRC is made up of faculty and students at three academic institutions:

Each of these three academic parts of the NVAWPRC has a long and distinguished history addressing various aspects of the violence against women problem. After you find out more about the NVAWPRC, there will be an opportunity to visit web sites of each of these three academic-based programs. You can also find out more about our partners at the CDC Violence Prevention programs.

The Center’s activities are based at the three academic institutions (see above), all of which collaborate closely. The Center is funded via a cooperative agreement with the CDC, hence we consider the CDC a fourth, and integral partner in our activities.

The Center’s Director is Dean G. Kilpatrick, Ph.D., who is Professor of Psychology and Director of the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center at the Medical University of South Carolina.

Patricia A. Resick, Ph.D., Center Co-Director, is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Trauma Recovery at the University of Missouri at St. Louis.

Linda M. Williams, Ph.D., Center Co-Director, is Director of Research at the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College. Nan Stein, Ed.D. serves as a Co-Investigator at the Wellesley site.

Vickey L. Cornelison and Janis S. Koenig, M.Ed. at the Medical University of South Carolina are the Center’s Program Coordinators. The Center Director and Co-Directors work together closely to plan and coordinate activities across the three sites.

Our collaborative colleagues at the CDC include: Rita Noonan, Ph.D., Science Officer and Janet Saul, Ph.D., Team Leader who are members of the Research Synthesis and Application team of the Program Implementation and Dissemination Branch. In addition, Tiffanee Woodard (Research Analyst) works on the project through the EDS-CISSS contract at CDC.

The Center team also includes the following consultants, who will augment the expertise of the faculty and help the Center accomplish its mission:

Gail Abarbanel, M.S.W., LISW Linda E. Ledray, RN, Ph.D., FAAN
Lucy Berliner, M.S.W. Anne Seymour
Jacquelyn C. Campbell, Ph.D., RN, FAANDan O'Leary, Ph.D.
Deborah Daro, Ph.D. 

Another important component of the Center is its National Advisory Board. This Board is comprised of the following individuals:
Gail Abarbanel, MSW, LISW
Etiony Aldarondo, Ph.D.
Aurelia Sands Belle, M.Ed.
Lucy Berliner, MSW
Angela Browne, Ph.D.
Jacquelyn C. Campbell, Ph.D.
Madeline M. Carter, M.S.
Ann Coker, Ph.D.
Cabell C. Cropper, MPA, MBA
Deborah Daro, Ph.D.
Mary Anne Dutton, Ph.D.
Bonnie Fowler, BSW
Mario Thomas Gaboury, J.D., Ph.D.
Reuben Greenberg
Amy Holtzworth-Monroe, Ph.D.
Laura Hudson, BFA, MA, MFA
Verdene Johnson, JD
Mary Koss, Ph.D.
Jeanne Krider, MPH
Linda E. Ledray, RN, Ph.D., FAAN
Morna A. Murray, J.D.
Dan O'Leary, Ph.D.
Alice S. Reynolds, MSN, RN
Delilha Rumburg
Anne Seymour
Jane Nady Sigmon, Ph.D.
Gail Burns Smith, R.N., B.S.
William J. Taylor, MA
Pat Tjaden, Ph.D.
Harvey Wallace, J.D.
Carolyn West, Ph.D.
Richard Wright, M.S.

This page authored by Dean G. Kilpatrick, Ph.D.

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