Faculty, Staff, and Trainees

Who We Are
At a Glance

The NVAWPRC is comprised of faculty and students at three academic institutions and has a long and distinguished history addressing various aspects of the violence against women problem.

The National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center
at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC

Dean Kilpatrick, Ph.D., Co-Director,
National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center

Ron Acierno, Ph.D.
Connie Best, Ph.D.
Vickey Cornelison (Program Coordinator)
Michael deArellano, Ph.D.
Sherry Falsetti, Ph.D.
Rochelle Hanson, Ph.D.
Janis S. Koenig, M.Ed. (Program Coordinator)
Heidi S. Resnick, Ph.D.
Dan Smith, Ph.D.
Ben Saunders, Ph.D.
Wellesley Centers for Women
at the Wellesley College in Wellesley, MA

Linda Williams, Ph.D., Co-Director,
National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center
Nan Stein, Ed.D. (Co-Investigator)
Carrie Cuthbert,J.D.
Mary Frederick (Project Administrator)
Veronica Herrera, Ph.D.
Cassandra Kisiel, Ph.D.
Vera Mouradian, Ph.D.
Kim Slote, J.D.
Center for Trauma Recovery
at the University of Missouri, St. Louis

Patricia Resick, Ph.D., Co-Director,
National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center
Gretchen Clum, Ph.D.
David Heger
Roberta Lee, Ph.D.
George McCall, Ph.D.
Mindy Mechanic, Ph.D.
Suzanna Rose, Ph.D.
Vetta Sanders-Thompson, Ph.D.
Priscilla Schultz
Nancy Shields, Ph.D.
Terri Weaver, Ph.D.

This page compiled by Vickey Cornelison

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