Center's Philosophy
and Theoretical Approach Towards Prevention Research |
key to reducing violence against women in the United States The Task and the Center's Vision
Theoretical Approach Guiding the Center's Research Activities: Several fundamental concepts provide a theoretical framework that guides the Center’s research. First, investigators must be aware of methodological complexities inherent in the study of violence against women. Early governmental and epidemiological surveys grossly underestimated the prevalence of violence against women as a result of methodological errors. Inefficient case identification strategies impair both preventive intervention development, and programmatic assessment. Second, it is clear that violence against women must be examined across the life span. For many women, violence in adulthood may be directly or indirectly linked to violence experienced during childhood. Moreover, there is no reason to assume that efforts to prevent violence in adulthood will be effective with either older or younger age groups. Third, prevention strategies that are successful with one form of violence should not be presumed to be effective with another form of violence. Consequently, the study of preventive interventions must include a variety of violence types, each specified. These include, rape, sexual assault, physical assault, homicide, and witnessed violence. Moreover, multiple types of violence should be studied in the same samples, using the same methodology, during the same time frame in order to clarify interrelationships among violence subtypes. Fourth, prevention strategies that are successful with one type of perpetrator will not necessarily be effective with another type of perpetrator. Thus, the Center does not assume that techniques to reduce stranger rape will be effective in diminishing marital rape, or that strategies to eliminate physical assault in dating relationships will be effective in marital relationships. Fifth, multi-dimensional outcomes of violence must be studied in the same sample. These include assessment of individual, family, and community effects of violence in terms of both physical health impact and mental health impact. We also believe that barriers exist that inhibit nonexploitive research partnerships between researchers and practitioners victim service agencies. Lack of cooperation and understanding between academic researchers and actual service providers limits the type of valuable program evaluation studies that can be accomplished and lessens the relevance of research completed by academics. These barriers may also limit development and implementation of innovative prevention programs. Another concept is that all levels of prevention, including primary, secondary, and tertiary should be addressed in the study of VAW. Thus, in addition to identifying strategies to reduce the occurrence of violence (primary prevention), the Center must also focus on studying methods to prevent development of physical and mental health problems in women who are victimized (secondary prevention). The Center must also assess methods to ameliorate physical and mental health problems that result from exposure to violence (tertiary prevention). A final, extremely important, Center concept is that research must avoid contributing to "victim blame." As members of our faculty have described elsewhere (Hanson et al., 1995; Kilpatrick et al., 1997; McCall, 1993), many primary prevention approaches are focused on compelling female children, adolescents, or adults to make themselves "hard targets" for assault by restricting their activities and behaviors. These opportunity-reduction approaches to prevention focus on victim control rather than control of potential offenders, contribute to the notion that a woman who is attacked must have done something wrong, and merely redistribute who is attacked, rather than reducing the number of attacks that occur. Whereas reducing risk of attack is clearly valuable to a potential victim, our view is that the ultimate goal should be to reduce all types of violence against women, not merely to redistribute to whom the violence occurs. These prevention issues are discussed in greater detail in the reprints by Kilpatrick et al. (1997), Hanson et al. (1995), and McCall (1993). References Crowell, N.A. & Burgess, A.W. (1996). Understanding violence against women. National Academy Press: Washington, DC. Hanson, R.F., Kilpatrick, D.G., Falsetti, S.A., & Resnick, H.S. (1995). Violent crime and mental health. In J.R. Freedy & S.E. Hobfoll (Eds.) Traumatic stress: From theory to practice (129-161). Plenum Press, New York. Kilpatrick, D.G., Acierno, R., Resnick, H., Saunders, B., & Best, C. (1997). A two-year longitudinal analysis of the relationships among assault and substance abuse in women. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65(5), 834-847. McCall, G.J. (1993). Risk factors and sexual assault prevention. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 8, (2) 277-295. This page authored by Dean G. Kilpatrick, Ph.D. |