Mission Statement:
help prevent violence against
women by advancing knowledge about prevention research and fostering collaboration
among advocates, practitioners, policy makers, and researchers.
Background of the NVAWPRC:
Violence against women is a major problem in the United States and other
countries. Such violence is a public health problem that affects the physical
and mental health of victims. Preventing violence is an important societal
goal that requires accurate information about the types of violence women
experience throughout their lives. Equally important is information about
effective prevention strategies and how to put them into practice.
Recognizing the need for better information, the U.S. Congress included
a provision in the 1994 Violence Against Women Act, which directed the
National Research Council to develop research that would increase the
understanding of violence against women. The National Research Council
convened the Panel on Research on Violence Against Women. The Panel gathered
information through hearings and research and released a report published
by the National Academy of Sciences Press (Crowell, N.A., & Burgess,
A.W., 1996, Understanding Violence Against Women, Washington, DC: National
Academy Press).
The report evaluated the level of knowledge in several areas, including
the nature and scope of VAW, prevention and intervention, and research infrastructure
needs. After a thorough review, the Panel concluded that the current research
infrastructure (e.g., funding, training, and cooperation between researchers
and practitioners) was insufficient and made the following recommendations:
three to four research centers within academic or other appropriate settings
to support the development of studies and training programs focused on
violence against women.
Provide opportunities
for collaboration between researchers and practitioners.
Provide technical
assistance for integrating research into service provision. (Page 153).
To date, the recommendations have been partially implemented. In 1998, the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), issued a call for applications to establish
one VAW prevention research center. After a thorough review, the
CDC selected the application submitted jointly by Medical University of
South Carolina, the University of Missouri at St. Louis and Wellesley College.
On Sept. 1, 1998, the CDC announced the establishment of the National Violence
Against Women Prevention Research Center (NVAWPRC), which was funded via
a five- year cooperative agreement with the CDC.
Overview of Site
Over the next five years, the NVAWPRC and its partners at the CDC will be
involved in a number of activities to accomplish our mission. Through this
website, we will offer the latest research on violence against women. Our
goal is to help everyone involved in the field do his or her job better.
This page authored by Dean G. Kilpatrick, Ph.D.