Upcoming Meetings and Workshops
Index (by organization):
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
(AAAP), 13th Annual Meeting and Symposium
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy
(AABT), 2003 Convention
Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association
American Psychological Association (APA), Annual Convention
American Public Health Association (APHA), Annual Meeting
& Exposition
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
(APSAC), 11th Annual Colloquium
ASTSS, 10th Annual Meeting
International Conference on the Abuse of Children and
Adults with Disabilities (CAN Do - Child Abuse and Neglect: Disability
17th Annual California Conference on Childhood Injury
FVSAI - 8th International Conference on Family Violence:
Working Together to End Abuse
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
(ISTSS), STSS Annual Meeting
Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control,
National Research Conference on Violence Against Women
Eighth National Victim Assistance Academy (NVAA)
Planning and Building More Livable Communities Conference
International Conference on Domestice Violence, Sexual
Assault and Stalking (SATI: Sexual Assault Training and Investigations)
Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), Biennial Meeting
Society for Research in Child Development(SRCD), Biennial
Southern California Public Health Association's Annual
8th International Family Violence Research Conference
Voices for a Violent-free Community
Additional websites on upcoming conferences & events
Getting Listed
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP),
13th Annual Meeting and Symposium
December 12-15, 2002
Hyatt Regency Lake Las Vegas Resort, Las Vegas, NV
Contact: AAAP 913-262-6161 or e-mail info@aaap.org
This conference offers an array of learning opportunities for researchers
and practioners including: workshops, symposia, case consultation sessions,
poster sessions, and exhibits.
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy
(AABT), 2003 Convention
November 20-23, 2003
Boston, MA
AABT's Annual Convention, attracts approximately 2,000 attendees. Its
peer-reviewed program features state-of-the-art research and clinical
findings including: symposia, workshops, addresses by distinguished
speakers, panel discussions, master clinician programs, poster sessions,
clinical roundtables, and statistic seminars. It also features meetings
of AABT committees and Special Interest Groups (e.g., Disaster and Trauma
Special Interest Group), an Internship Training Site Overview for students,
a Job Placement Service, and social events.
deadline for submission of symposia, clinical roundtables, panel discussions,
and posters is March 3, 2003.
84th Annual Meeting of the American Education
Research Association
April 21-24, 2003
Chicago, IL
"Accountability for Educational Quality: Shared Responsibility"
American Psychological Association (APA), 111th Annual Convention
Aug. 7-10, 2003
Toronto, Ontatio, Canada
This conference promises to be the world's largest meeting of psychologists
-- where more than 1,000 symposia, invited addresses, workshops, films,
and other sessions will focus on the latest research advances and public
issues involving the spectrum of human behavior.
American Public Health Association, Annual Meeting
& Exposition
November 15-19, 2003
San Francisco, CA
"Behavior, Lifestyle and Social Determinants of Health"
ASTSS, 10th Annual Meeting
March 31 - April 3, 2003
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
"Traumatic Stress: Mind, Body and Soul - an integrated approach
to trauma",
American Professional Society on the Abuse of
Children (APSAC), 11th Annual Colloquium
July 23-26, 2003
Orlando, FL
APSAC’s national colloquium is a major source of research and education
for professionals in the field of child maltreatment including mental
health, medicine, nursing, law, law enforcement, education, prevention
and child protective services.
APSAC also sponsors National
Symposium On Child Abuse, March 11–14, 2003, Huntsville, Alabama
International Conference on the Abuse of Children
and Adults with Disabilities
March 10-12, 2003
Riverside Convention Center, Riverside, California
CAN Do - Child Abuse and Neglect: Disability Outreach
More info: 2003 Conference
Traffic Safety and Injury Prevention
17th Annual California Conference on Childhood Injury Control
September 22-24, 2003, Los Angeles
This year's theme is "Developing and Sustaining Comprehensive Injury
Prevention Strategies," which includes developing comprehensive prevention
programs for child and adolescent injuries, including in traffic safety.
For more information, please visit http://www.preventioninstitute.org/upcoming.html#17th.
8th International Conference on Family Violence:
Working Together to End Abuse
Sept. 16-20, 2003
Town & Country Hotel & Convention Center, San Diego, CA
This conference covers all aspects of Family Violence and Child Maltreatment,
including youth violence, children exposed, elder abuse, law enforcement,
and many others.
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), STSS
Annual Meeting
Fragmentation and Integration in the Wake of Psychological Trauma
October 29 - November 1, 2003
The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL
Conference Information: conference@istss.org
The Society has a diverse membership from around the world including
scholars from social, behavioral, and biological sciences, professionals
from mental health and social services disciplines,and individuals representing
religious, legal, and other professions.
Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA)
Investigating Non-Stranger Sexual Assaults: How
to Build the Best Case for Prosecution
Thursday, September 18, 2003, 8:30a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (check-in at
Holiday Inn Select, Baltimore North, Timonium
Keynote Speaker: Joanne Archambault
$25 per person by September 5, $35 after
Highly recommended for law enforcement officers who investigate sexual
assaults. Judges, prosecutors, medical professionals, and advocates
are welcome. Registration form is available online at www.mcasa.org.
For questions, contact Sheri Conklin, MCASA, 1517 Gov. Ritchie Highway,
Suite 207, Arnold, MD 21012, 410.974.4507, 1.410.747.4770 FAX, sheri@mcasa.org
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
This website provides a list of the many conferences and symposia sponsored
by them.
Safety in Numbers: Working Together from Research
into Practice
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC
April 28-29, 2003
Title: Safety in Numbers: Working Together from Research into Practice
City: Atlanta, GA
Location: Hyatt Regency Hotel
Contact: Trevia Pereira TPereira@cdc.gov
Phone: 770-488-4665
National Research Conference on Violence Against
October 1-2, 2003
Marriott Hotel, Lexington, Kentucky
Contact: Carol E. Jordan, M.S., Executive Director, Governor's Office
of Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Services
Capitol Building, Suite 146, Frankfort, KY 40601
Governor's Office web site
Eighth National Victim Assistance Academy
June 23-28, 2002
California State University, Fresno in Fresno, CA;
Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC;
Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas
Contact: Linda Kroencke
See flyer for more information
Planning and Building More Livable Communities
June 27-28, 2003, San Diego, CA
Come and learn how to help make California a wonderful place to live,
work and play. Prevention Institute's executive director, Larry Cohen,
is scheduled to speak. Please visit http://www.preventioninstitute.org/upcoming.html#livable
for event brochure.
International Conference on Domestice Violence,
Sexual Assault and Stalking
April 23-25, 2003
Holiday Inn on the Bay, 1355 N. Harbor Dr. San Diego, CA 92101
Who Should Attend: Law enforcement, prosecutors, victim advocates, judges,
parole and probation, rape crisis workers, medical personnel, faith
community, educators, etc.
2003 Conference
Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), Biennial
March 11-14, 2004
Baltimore, MD
The biennial meeting of SRA is an international, multi-disciplinary
program with an emphasis on adolescence.
Four days of symposia, posters, distinguished invited speakers, and
innovative sessions await you. The quality of the research is outstanding
and the range of topics reflects the continued growth of interest in
the study of adolescence as well as the interdisciplinary nature of
the Society.
Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
Trauma Group
Society for Research in Child Development(SRCD),
Biennial Meeting
April 24-27, 2003
Tampa, Florida
Call for Submissions will appear on this site in the Spring of 2002.
The Society hosts a biennial meeting, usually in the spring, with attendance
of 5,000. These internationally attended meetings include individual
research reports, symposia, invited lectures, and discussion sessions,
among other timely and historical programs.
The Southern California Public Health Association's
Annual Conference
Building Healthy Futures: Public Health Makes a Difference
May 9, 2003, Cerritos, California
Larry Cohen, Prevention Institute's executive eirector, will be speaking
at the break-out session, Ecosystem Approach to Human Health: Biology,
Behavior and Environment as Health Determinants. Register by May 1,
2003 to receive a discount. For more conference details or to register,
please visit http://www.preventioninstitute.org/upcoming.html#sopha
8th International Family Violence Research Conference
July 13-16, 2003
Sheraton Harborside Hotel & Conference Center, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Sponsored by The Family Research Lab & Crimes Against Children Research
Center, University of New Hampshire and the National Institute for Victim
Studies, Sam Houston University.
Voices for a Violent-free Community
February 27-28, 2003
Hilton Head Island, SC
Information: 843-770-1074
A conference to present information surrounding the many dimensions
of violence in our community and to promote networking among the diverse
population of service providers.
Additional websites that
provide information about
upcoming conferences & events:
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Scientific meetings provide an opportunity for scientists, clinicians,
community leaders, and others to enter into a two-way dialogue, an activity
that is vital to NIDA's goal of closing the great gap between the known
science and the prevention and treatment of drug addiction. See the
website for other upcoming events.
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
For additional information about this and other upcoming conferences,
meetings, and events see the NIAAA calendar of events.
Institute of Mental Health
For a listing of NIMH-sponsored and other conferences and scientific
meetings targeting a diverse audience consult the NIMH website.
Against Violence Network (CAVNET)
For an extensive listing of conferences related to domestic violence,
sexual assault, violence against women and stalking see the CAVNET Calendar
of Events:
on Domestic Violence in the African American Community
Check this website for upcoming events and additional information about
this organization.
Institute of Justice (NIJ)
The National Institute of Justice Violence Against Women and Family
Violence page has a multi-disciplinary listing of upcoming conferences
and other events. Also consult the NIJ conference page for a general
listing of conferences, meetings, and other events.
For a complete listing of conferences, symposia, workshops, meetings,
and other events:
Getting Listed
To add your conference of meeting to our web site, please send a copy
of your call for papers, conference description, or registration form
by fax, mail, or e-mail to:
Janis S. Koenig, M.Ed.
National Violence Against Women
Prevention Research Center
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Medical University of South Carolina
165 Cannon Street, P.O. Box 250852
Charleston, SC 29425
Fax: 843-792-4744